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Unit 9- Discussion 2-cultural anthropology

Unit 9- Discussion 2-cultural anthropology

Q Based on the information from the video, what is one difference that you see in the treatment of and attitudes toward fa'fafine in Samoa and the treatment of and attitudes toward transgendered individuals in the United States. If you don't know enough about the latter, just describe something that strikes you as interesting from the video

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After viewing the video, it can be said that the Samoan society who do not have girls in their families, try to raise the boys as girls which were a very interesting thing to see for me. For the parents in Samoan culture, it is considered to be a way of life to dress the boys as girls but it becomes way too humiliating for the boys to be treated as girls when they are actually not. The most interesting part of the video was the two different aspects of both the Fafafine who was treated as a girl.